Here we are at a State Recreation Park called Copeton Dam which is in the central-but-eastward-tending (like that one?) part of New South Wales. The area is very drought affected and where these kangaroos are grazing would ideally be water-filled. We meandered for miles and saw hundreds and hundreds of 'roos who live close to the bit of water there is.

I most certainly would NOT frighten them...they're b-i-g-g-e-r than me....so I looked at them and they looked at me and I think we all agreed to leave well enough alone!
The State Park is 2000 acres, so I think we figured there's room enough for us all.

My mum doesn't really like this photo, with the trousers rolled up for pushbike riding (we took the bikes and my trailer out for the afternoon). We're on the Park's golf course, which is pretty rough, even by Australian standards. Perhaps you overseas golfers can think about whether you could bonk a 'roo on the head with a golf ball from this distance.

After leaving Copeton Dam we drove a whole 60 kilometres into Inverell which is a great little country town. From the lookout above town we got an idea of the vast flat landscape.
Lookit me! Inverell has miles of leash-free walks. This one along the river (my mum called it a creek and one of the locals was a bit offended) was great. I was very well-behaved off my lead and it was in this town that I was called, variously - "obedient", "intelligent", "handsome", and "cute".

Just as a little aside, we browsed at the 'Sunday Markets' and spoke to a lady called Helena South who is a "pastel artist". She was selling dog drawings at her stall and said she hadn't seen such a "beautiful Fox Terrier" for years. She didn't have her camera with her, so asked my mum to mail her a photo of me so she could draw me!! (if that was alright with them, of course). How do you spell "R-O-Y-A-L-T-I-E-S". Haha!

I became a bit intrepid and decided to cross this footbridge - but then turned and found myself alone! Gosh! And then I came back because I thought 'they' might get frightened on their own.

And finally, we visited the Inverell Australiana Pioneer village. The lady in charge let me come in with my mum and dad because I looked as though I was a good boy...(so I was special AGAIN). Ho-hum (again). Stardom sits lightly on me.
Hope you enjoyed this little bit of our travels. Of course there's gonna be more, so stay tuned.
Love from Colin Harries xx