I can run fast, even though it's 40 degrees celcius in Sydney on Christmas Day. Wot's 40 degrees C in 'real' language...well, my dad says it's almost 100F...don't know what that all means, but it sounds very clever, doesn't it?

This is my new family's family (howzat for a description)...on Christmas Day in Sydney. My Auntie Sue is on the left (she's my dad's cousin) and that's her daughter and grandsons and my dad in the crazy striped shirt. Can't help but comment on the difference in the weather in photos I've just seen from my other new friends....my mum showed me where the northern hemisphere is...she says it's a long, long way away. Perhaps I wouldn't be very good in the snow. Perhaps I'm really a warm-weather dog, although I do own a Drizabone (that's an Aussie-drover-kind-of-coat, cut down to my size)!

This is me and my dad outside Auntie Sue's house in Sydney on Christmas Day. Cousin Jett (remember him with the one eye who was in the Lake Lyell photos with me) and you can just see our caravan and Nissan 4wd across the road. We're ready to go home after spending five days with Auntie Sue and Uncle Harry.

Waddya call my Cousin Jett's mother's daughter's son? Well, that's him trying to fight me for the chair. His name is Ben and he's 2 yrs. I'm older so I get the chair, I told him.