Hello everyone! It's coolish and drizzly rain today - Autumn in the Blue Mountains in Australia will do that I s'pose. Mum has put the heaters on, so it's a good time to sit in the warmth and say g'day to you. Last night, my dad found some mobile phone photos to show me, so I want to share them with you.

This is my very most precious photo. My mum and dad said I must keep it very safe and close to my heart, cos it's a photo of
Jack Harries, who crossed the rainbow bridge in December 2007, before my mum and dad brought me home. My mum said he was my 'older-brother' and that I would have LUVVED him very much and he would have been very kind to me, even when I was being a nuisance.

My dad and my Uncle Stevie went to a motorcycle show last month and there was "Bundy" on a motorbike. Bundy is an Australian 'blue cattle dog' and rides with Tex. My mum and dad know Tex (he was a member of their motorcycle club for a while). They told me they would NEVER do this to me...'cos they don't approve of putting me (or Bundy or anyone) in danger.

I tried to tell my mum that standing on a chair in a cafe is dangerous, but she said she wouldn't let me fall. It was November 2008 and I had only just come to live with my mum and dad and we went out for coffee with Noah and his sissies. I was a bit shy with them then. NOT NOW THO! When they visited our house for dinner last night, their mum took a video of them and me 'rumbling'...perhaps Noah will share the video with you soon 'cos he does that sort of thing really well.

LOOK AT 'EM ALL! We were out with four of 'em at one time and maybe I will admit to being just a TEENSY-WEENSY bit of a 'fraidy-cat'...but they're really cool mates now and I can't for the life of me think why I was worried!
Hope you think that 'old photos' are as interesting as 'new stuff'. Anyway, avagoodun...(do ya understand 'Strine'? It's an Aussie way of saying "Australian") - and I just wished that you "Have a Good One". The world seems to think that we drop some letters off our words, but I dunno 'bout that... Love from Colin Harries xx