Monday, January 5, 2009

Who said I look gay?

My mum is still playing with my blog (that sounds a bit rude, doesn't it?). She insists on putting this Christmas photo of me so you can all laugh...I feel like a goose, but what can a guy do?


  1. That's nothing, you should see what we have to put up with. Count yourself lucky matie.


  2. Hey, man!

    I'm Stanley (yes, another Airedale) and I heard about you from Noah and his sisters! Looks to me like you have the best of all worlds... your own trailer, your own road crew! Can't wait to hear about your adventures.

    Looks to me like you did a fine job choosing your adoptive family. It also looks like you and your dad are pretty tight already!

    Goober love,

  3. Hi Colin,
    You sure do look handsome in your Christmas bow!
    We LOVE your means of transportation! We wish we could try that out but we'd most probably topple your dad!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  4. Hey Colin Harries - good to see ya bloggin' matie!
    It was sure great to meet you at Leura Dale's place recently.

    Don't worry about the gay bow thing, just humour the pinkies, they get over it all eventually.

    Miss Ellie and Baz the Airedale's from Melbourne :)
